EPM solutions
Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting
Planning enables business owners to maintain independent plans while aligning planning processes across the enterprise – all with the ease and simplicity of the cloud – with process automation, driver, trend, predictive planning.

Success Story
Global Beverage Retailer introduces Cloud Planning & Reporting to their Budgeting and Forecasting Process
- Excel templates are decentralized
- Constant Currency analysis for Growth is very complex
- Reporting (waterfall charts, dashboards, and monthly decks are very manual and time consuming)
Planning & Budgeting (EPBCS) & Performance Reporting (EPRCS)
- Standard templates that are centrally maintained
- Standard logic for constant currency, seeding, curving analysis
- Script automation via EPM Automate & Groovy
- Charts, Dashboards, Infolets from FR & EPRCS